Swim it Forward (part of Swim Across America SF ) - my friend Naoko Watanabe team swam across to Alcatraz for Sunder - this is the first jump into the water from the #TeamSatyRaj village - ever so grateful to have a friend like you, @Naoko. The exhilaration from what you have done is so very uplifting. The universe is colluding to make this a wonderful outing for the fight against Glioblastoma.
Raj is doing his part - my brother of 50 years, says “It is what it is - let’s go out with a party.”
We continue the dedication to him.
Clinical update: After the MRI scan on Sep 26, the oncologist has recommended continuing chemo treatment for 6-8 weeks. During the month, Raj has had a setback starting with seizures and a loss of physical strength - making doing things harder now due to that. After intensive 2+week rehab regimen involving speech, physical and occupational therapy, Satya’s managed to get him out of the wheelchair. He’s a falling risk now so needs someone at his side.
With Satya as his taskmaster - there’s no giving up here. Go #TeamSatyaRaj.
Satya has an appeal, please consider adding your support towards her goal of $100K
With gratitude.