Friday, January 18, 2008

ASHA (hope) for Education

This is the contents archived from the TeamASHA 07 site. Find a purpose, I found TeamASHA marathon effort as my cause.
  1. To learn more about Asha For Education and the projects it undertakes, please visit:
  2. To learn more about TeamAsha and its marathon program, please visit:

Snagged the TeamASHA page that was key towards fundraising.

Thanks to all for contributing to ASHA.
Tally: $3678.40 [as of 10/21/07]
Chicago Marathon

NOTICE 10/19/07

If you are reading this and can support this project, please do as they have some urgent needs on account of a fire.
A long-time Asha project partner in Tamil Nadu, had a fire accident which has resulted in about 40 families losing their livelihood means (These are families who had earlier been displaced by the Tsunami). They are looking at raising about Rs 4 lakhs for resettling them and asking for individual donations.

Doing my part (albeit small) to contribute to the literacy of these kids. It is a noble thing that ASHA is trying to do ; join the effort for a better tomorrow for all of us.
My nominal running experience diary.

Running Log:


I ran my first Marathon thanks to this Team in 2005; it was an exhilarating experience. I am back and hope to raise a awareness and monies for the cause.
For record the last fundraising effort yielded close to $3000. That can help run a small school in rural India for a year; imagine that.

How Asha helps:Asha for Education is a secular organization dedicated to change in India by focusing on basic education in the belief that education
is a critical requisite for socio-economic change.
Till date, Asha has supported more than 385 different child education
projects spanning 24 states in India. In terms of project funding,
almost $4,000,000 has been disbursed to these projects since Asha's
inception. In 2002 alone, Asha chapters raised and disbursed more
than $1,000,000 to over 200 projects.
To learn more about Asha For Education and the projects it undertakes,
please visit:

To learn more about TeamAsha and its marathon program, please visit:

How you can help: You can help by contributing towards
my fund raising. Every dollar you donate will help a child learn.
Please donate generously. All donations are 100% tax deductible
(Tax Id 770 45 9884)

Contact me: pananthan AT

Donate via: Credit Card

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