Sunday, December 06, 2020

Thomas, Eyes for the blind runner

Thomas Panek, my hero

 Watching a blind runner's journey inspired this post - there's a fall every runner experiences and the journey of recovery for each makes us stronger. The feeling of these blind runners' is something we can all relate to - exuberance of coming back to our favorite activity after being laid low.

The project Guideline is an inspiring use of technology and was on my thoughts all the time i was running today - tech is not bad, it has the power to melt barriers, this is an exemplar.

  • A smart phone
  • a cloud
  • Machine learning models that can guide
  • thoughtful researchers who makes lives better
  • a committed human, Thomas Panek - that's inspired to not accept the status quo

Thomas is my hero for this story. Salutations to single-minded perseverance .

Best wishes always 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sachin's Mount Umunhum Trail Race to the Self

A longtime wish to run to the top was fulfilled today, July 19, 2020.
Having these two, the best of Omrunners meant this was a special journey in more ways than just getting to the summit. We have had many running years together which I cherish immensely.
Ranga has the whole Quicksilver  park mapped in his brain, this means he adapts the runs for distance, injury, temperature; his empathy for all is a gift we continually draw on, thank you Ranga.
Sachin, the smart, pragmatic runner and friend. The wealth of his experience– his  readiness to share, his speed and strength  (which is the best of all 3 of us). He puts it to good use by running loops to keep us together. And today was no different. He had a Paleo bar just when I was famished and a remedy stretch for my jelly quads, thank you Sachin.
The run had been on my wishlist for a little long time. I remember the times looking from Bulls run at QS longingly at the cube, Ranga calling out the date of the opening 3 years ago. Finally 2 weeks ago he declared we were ready to make the attempt.
But for my overambitious plan to start at a farther place we might have been there then. Better late than never.
Today we got birthday runner, Arvind leading us off under fog cover for the first 6 miles.  He is the superstar tri-athlete as I got to learn of his rigorous 3 days each of swim and run; he's lamenting he doesn't have enough biking time.
Note to Ranga: please add 3 more days to the week for Arvind, problem solved.💁🏽

This was a spiritual journey to the mountain of the hummingbird, final ascent was to chants of Govinda-Govinda, received by these Omrun sages

Scaled, at peace and a marathon in these times, feeling lucky😇