Sunday, December 06, 2020

Thomas, Eyes for the blind runner

Thomas Panek, my hero

 Watching a blind runner's journey inspired this post - there's a fall every runner experiences and the journey of recovery for each makes us stronger. The feeling of these blind runners' is something we can all relate to - exuberance of coming back to our favorite activity after being laid low.

The project Guideline is an inspiring use of technology and was on my thoughts all the time i was running today - tech is not bad, it has the power to melt barriers, this is an exemplar.

  • A smart phone
  • a cloud
  • Machine learning models that can guide
  • thoughtful researchers who makes lives better
  • a committed human, Thomas Panek - that's inspired to not accept the status quo

Thomas is my hero for this story. Salutations to single-minded perseverance .

Best wishes always